Thursday, December 29, 2016

S2:E2 Advanced Military Career

OK, the the initial branch was a breeze. Lets give the Advanced one a shot:

Mission 1: Go kill stuff, come back, get paid. (see TIP post about overheating and Thermodynamics)

Mission 2*: READ THIS This is one of the few times you REALLY need to read the details.

Take the free naked ship, fly in, blow up. dock back in your pod and get back in to your main ship.
*note that a container was left behind. You can save the location (right click on the container) and then turn in the mission, get a ship, and fly back to loot it (People and Places (ALT+E))

Mission 3: You need to warp scramble a target and kill his escort (but not the target... read the rules) walk in the park.

Mission 4: Again , read the instruction... you need to mount a Civilian Small Remote Shield Booster and fix a guy (AAA in EVE). Go tot eh guy, target him, and shoot him with the remote shield booster. You get a skill for your efforts... one which I will inject and not bother with for a while. It took me longer to type this than to do the mission

Mission 5*: AGAIN, READ THE MISSION : They are going to give you a ship, but the EXPECT you to die. However you do need to kill at least one person. You do still have all those crappy civilian guns from the starter ship right? If not, farm three starter ships in the next system over and bring back the guns for this one way ticket.

*Idiot moment - You should remember to insure your ship on these missions... free isk (called idiot moment becuase I thought of it after mission 5.DOH) 

Mission 6: Fly really fast to point A. Note you could fly around the green cloud if you really wanted to but I didn't even lose half my shields in a Slasher with a 1mn Afterburner I

Mission 7: This mission says to use a civilian autocannon. Not if it'll check, but I'll use one anyhow. Actually this makes sense of you are not Minmatar and are doing the missions (Omega clone). Another mission shorter than the time it took to type up.

Mission 8: Watch for pop-ups, you'll get instructions when you get to the mission site. You do need to recover 10 hostages. No shots fired or you fail.

Mission 9: Go web a guy, reward is a Minmatar Destroyer skill book, If you are able to, train it right away (in my opinion).

Mission 10: Finish this and win the destroyer! Go blow up a bunch of guys. You do get webbed and scrammed here, so kill that guy first! (he is also the only guy you HAVE to kill).

OK, Advanced Military Career is a bit dull overall from the first one. At the end of it however I have almost 3 million isk and a Destroyer to fly. Not a bad couple hours.

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