Wednesday, December 28, 2016

S1:E3 Introduction to Industry

OK kids, this is probably where most new players get screwed. Eve is a complex game and while the industry side has gotten better (trust me here, it really is much better) the part still throws people off.

You are going to be told to open the market (ALT+R if you can't find the button that looks like a line graph). You will then be told to find the listed blueprint for CIVILIAN DATA ANALYZER BLUEPRINT. Please look at the picture...

ok, if you move all the crap from your ship to your item hangar, and then go to the item hangar and right-click on the blueprint and hit Use Industry, you'll get the picture below.

Hit start and listen to more story/lore... or go make a sandwich, it'll take almost 2 minutes to make this thing. 

Ok, back? cool... you should now see this (well actually if you left it open during PB and J time then you might actually have to close the window above and reopen the industry tab (factory icon or ALT+S)... and  (see picture)

The item should now be in your ITEM HANGAR. Add it to your ship. 

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