S2:E3 Industrial Career Agent
I will be honest, this isn't my cup of tea, but I'll give it a shot.
Mission 1: Go mine 1000 Veldspar
from the assign mining area. They give you a miner, but odds are if you've been playing along you still have your Venture. Note the payout is over 300,000 isk for just this mission. If you go to any old belt and mine, you will not get credit for the mission. Bit of advice, mine a few minutes after the mission says complete, you need it for mission 2.
Mission 2: Make Titanium, reward, a Venture! Cool, we can use that one as a lawn ornament.
Mission 3: Make and sell two civilian afterburners. Ok, I know you are supposed to build them through industry, but I had a pile from farming newbie Corvettes... fastest mission yet.
Mission 4: Go to assigned area, kill rats, mine. OK. Remember that extra Veldspar from Mission 1? Well, the trit from that will allow you to keep going. No need to mine yet :)
Mission 5: Fedex Mission... pick up object at point A take to point B.
Mission 6: Make 20 cap booster 25 units. This one requires materials you might not be able to mine locally. However, from the left over stuff from the NPE, I think I have enough materials... so I'll just go back and get them. When you put the blueprint up, make sure to select 2 runs in the middle before hitting RUN. 10 minute break! and a 400,000 isk payout!
Mission 7: Go sell the cap boosters (FEDEX mission). big deal
Mission 8: Build a shuttle.... remember all that Trit from earlier? Yep, again... 5 minute wait...
Mission 9: Go mine to lure bad guys, kill bad guys, rescue scientist. Um, ok. After a couple cycles of the mining laser a one-shot wonder enemy shows up and you pop him. I jet-canned the ore and went back to station. This is one of those times I need to mine to relax, so I tossed the prize in tot he item hangar and grabbed the Venture to clear out the Kernite (see tip on mission mining). I have two hours to get the bonus and I've been playing all day... mining time. zzzzzzzzzzz
oh wait, I'm done? I'm done! 5949 units of Kernite with a rough raw value of 1.2 million isk.
Yes I am making fun on miners. I have lots of time as a miner, so I can laugh at myself too. (hey an idea for a post!)
Mission 10: Build a Burst Frigate! Um.. ok... gonna reprocess everything I got and see what happens. Yeah, I was short 6 zydrine, 21 Nocxium, and 3167 Pyerite.... total cost to me from local purchase? about 42,000 isk... sucks, but I'm in a hurry tonight.
Remember that hurry? The stupid ship takes 1 hour and 35 minutes to build!!!
*** going to star the next career agent since I am waiting for a glacier to move ***